How To Start Your Health Journey

So, you want to get healthy and now you’re unsure of what to do? There is so much information out there and it can be very taxing to know where to start and what steps to take. What will make the biggest impact and what isn’t worth spending time or effort on?  Let’s chat about a few first steps to get you going in the right direction.

I want to get healthy. Now what?

Here it is… Your first three steps into your wellness journey.

1) Mindset:

The most important of all is getting your mind right. This is so much easier said than done, but truly an important factor if you want to be successful in your health journey. This is also something that you will continue to work through as you move forward. My best advice to you is to know your “Why”. 

      • Why are you starting this journey?
      • Why now?
      • Why is getting healthy so important to you? Meaning, what are the benefits?

Please note, wanting to just lose a little weight is just a start. There has to be a bigger reason behind the weight loss (I am not a very big advocate of weight loss or that of promoting “how to lose weight”). In truth, once you start making better choices the weight is a positive side effect and that’s a good thing! So, let’s dig deeper! What is it about losing the weight that you feel is going to make a difference? Is it for your self-esteem? Is it because your doctor is telling you your weight can cause health issues? Is the extra weight because of your health issues? Seriously, find more to your story. This helps to bring you back to center when things can (and most often will) get tough. 

Understand that it will not always be easy and slip ups are bound to happen. Again, falling back on your mindset; when you are rooted in that factor of why you started it is easier for you to get right back on track. Give yourself some grace and patience. This is a journey. 

      • Example: The finish line for me is lifelong longevity, growing older with grace and still maintaining an active lifestyle

That means that there is no true end for me. I want to continue to build on my health as the years pass by and not just reach a single goal. But that is what I want for my life, you need to focus on what you want for yours. 

2) Build a Team

Second important factor is to have a support system. Whether that be a single person outside of yourself or a group you can attend on a regular basis. Having someone to turn to for an extra boost of confidence or to bounce ideas off of is real a game changer. When we feel isolated and alone is when we are more prone to give into the temptations of the fast paced and fast-food world around us. Good thing for social media! We are in an age where you can pop on your phone or your computer and join groups. You could join Facebook groups, follow people on Instagram, or any media that draws your attention. Use it to your advantage for the support you will need.

Other ways to achieve this is by asking friends and family to have your back. They do not have to join you if they are not ready to dive in deep like you are, but make sure you do lay down some ground rules if they do accept the request to be your support system. Keep it simple, let them know why this matters to you and ask them to please remind you of why you started, do not allow them to give you the line, “It’s just one bite what can it hurt?” and to remain upbeat and supportive. Also, let them know there is no obligations, if they truly cannot be your support system it is ok to say no. Honestly, it’s better for you to have someone on your side (truly) then to have someone be halfway or get aggravated with you in the process. (Been there and done that and it’s not worth loosing people in your life or getting down on yourself when things don’t work out). Allow for honesty and let them know it’s ok if they can’t do it.

3) Don't Just Make The Plan, Take Action

Don’t get too caught up in the planning and forget about actually putting that plan into action. Seriously, sometimes you just have to start. Waiting and planning for the perfect moment to begin or waiting until you can afford something specific or waiting until the start of the new week, month, the next day…. 

Action looks like creating your why statement. It looks like cleaning out the cabinet of your unwanted snacks (they make it harder). It looks like calling on that friend and asking for help. It looks like putting on the running shoes and going for a walk. It looks like writing out a meal plan for the week. It can be simple. You do not have to have everything figured out from the start. Stop waiting and begin!

Know this...

  • Mistakes will happen
  • You will “fall off the wagon”
  • There really isn’t such a thing as strong willpower (a person who doesn’t give into temptation).
  • You will have to reevaluate a few times along the way.
  • Your health is going to evolve. You will evolve along with it. Worry less about the perfection of how to execute your journey and just allow yourself to start. It’s ok to make a mistake and it’s ok if you feel a little lost and unsure. You will find your groove and you will learn what works best for you and what you need to adjust and work harder at. 
  • In short…. If you’re ready, then get started now. Grab a piece of paper and a pen or make a note in your phone. Start with your why and get going!

About the Author

Angelica Hodges - FNTP, CHC

Angelica Hodges is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Health Coach. She has been working in the wellness space for over 10 years. She has had experience whipping up delicious recipes for clients and now currently sees patients one-on-one at Whole Health Center Houston.

She is a wife and mother to three amazing boys. They love the outdoors! You can find her on her social media by her #blessedmamawellness and follow her for daily cooking and wellness tips. You can also read her full bio below:

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During our normal business hours, you can expect a call with the next hour.  If it’s after-hours, we’ll give you a call on the next business day.  God bless!!

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Medical Scribe

Seema first came on almost 2 years ago to work for a separate company owned by the Wells’s. Her and her family have been patients of Dr. Wells at Whole Health for years so for her to find this opportunity was not a far stretch! Though she often works “on the other side”, because the two businesses are right next to each other, in her free time during work she has crossed over to help in a variety of ways whenever she has free time during the work day. She can be seen helping scribe for our providers when the need arises, helping with packing and shipping supplements as time allows, and many other little things. You can say that she is a jacquelyn-of-all-trades! Whichever role she is working in, she truly felt like “God was calling [her] to work at Whole Health” and it has abundantly been a blessing to both her and to us!

Seema graduated with an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience at Trinity University and she is currently studying and attending classes to apply for PA school. So to be in the jobs that she has been in, has been a great testimony that the Lord orchestrated her steps to have this experience already as she goes back to school! 

Outside the office, she enjoys spending time with her family, taking walks, working outside on her family’s farm, reading, and doing yarn crafts.


Patient Advocate

As a former EMT and a relatively new Houstonian, when Wyatt first applied for the position, he applied to be a patient advocate. At the time, store and IV associate was in more need, so he was hired for that position. He graciously accepted the offer and served that position with a smile, always learning and striving to help patients and staff feel safe and at home. Both patients and staff alike soon grew to love his humor, friendliness, and heart. He has loved getting to know the patients and making those personable connections with them. Whether talking about sad and hard to take news, obnoxious conspiracy theories, snake bites, or just friendly conversation, he has enjoyed developing those relationships with both patients and staff alike. 

After working at that position for a little over a year, his original intent to be a patient advocate came true! He has transitioned seamlessly and helps patients with even greater intentionality, heart, and personableness as before. Like Michelle, he is another bridge from provider to patient when questions need to be answered. He has enjoyed being a part of each patient’s health journey and their path to healing.

When his boots aren’t striding in the office, you will find him, his wife, and three boys loving the outdoors. They enjoy camping (the true, primitive kind), hiking, and hunting. He loves connecting with God’s nature and creation. He also loves to play board games and host game nights with friends.

Patricia "Pat"

Lab Reports and Relations Specialist

When Pat and her husband first moved to Orlando in 2012, her husband encouraged her to follow after her dreams. She had desired to do something in the medical field for years. She was intrigued by how you can find out so much about a person by their blood. She got her Phlebotomy certificate and started working at a hospital.

In 2017, her husband went to Houston to help with the Hurricane Harvey clean up. He felt like that there was where they were supposed to be, so she started looking for a job. She really wanted to be in a doctor’s office where she could learn, and also be able to share God’s love with others. After several months of looking, and much prayer, God opened a door for her to become a phlebotomist with the Whole Health team. In her years she has worked in the office, she has not only learned so much, but she has been able to enjoy ministering to patients whether it was treating them, listening to their story, or simply just loving on them. From children to adults, she was adored by many.

In November 2021, her and her husband felt called to move back to Florida, this time to North Ft Myers, to pastor a church. Though working remotely, she still contributes tremendously to the practice. She does the practical job of filing faxes, labs, and so forth, as well as does research for some treatments. However, she still fulfills the ministering part of her job by mailing cards to patients in need of a prayer, word of encouragement, or just a simple Happy Birthday.

She loves being a mom and a grandma and adores spending time with her children and grandchildren!



Front Receptionist

Coming from being a receptionist at car dealerships, she was introduced to our practice through her friend, Meg Hanley, who just so happened to be one of our providers! Seeking for a fresh start on a new job path, Kayleb took the opportunity to become a front receptionist with us.

Being a receptionist is no small job and she has been thriving greatly! From getting patient appointments set up for the day, talking to patients, relaying calls to the right person, and checking people in, she has done it with such thoroughness, care, and a smile. She has loved creating personable relationships with the patients she interacts with. She has also enjoyed getting to know her co-workers as well. Her words, “best work environment I’ve come to know”.

Outside the office, she enjoys spending time with family, going to the beach, and traveling.

Functional Medicine Webiste


The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website (“Content”) are for informational purposes only.  The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.  Health-related information changes frequently and, therefore, the Content on this website may be outdated, incomplete or incorrect. We do not assume any liability for the information contained or referenced within this website and make no warranties, nor express or implied representations whatsoever regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or usefulness of any information contained or referenced in this website.   

Results vary from patient to patient.  No prescriptions or treatments will be given unless a clinical need exists based on an examination by the physician.  Any review or other material that could be regarded as a testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of any consultation.  The testimonials on this website represent the anecdotal experience of individual consumers.   

Use of this website is subject to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.   


Billing & Accounts Specialist

In Mariela’s first year with us, she started off as our front receptionist. Through her experience then, she found her niche in handling billing and accounts for our patients, thus bore the role that she has today. While that is her primary job, she is still always willing to lend a hand in checking in or checking out patients or any other small task when things get backed up. Whichever job she is doing, she always makes an effort to make our patients’ experience as personable and comfortable as possible. 

Before joining us, she has done a wide array of jobs over the years and even attended ministry school (fun fact)! The dynamic skills and experience she has acquired in those environments has shaped her in who she is today. She loves her work family and to be able to work in a Christian-centric environment, where she continually is being shaped into the beautiful human being she is.

In her spare time, she enjoys time with her dog, Oreo, watching funny videos, and listening to her favorite music artists (her favorite being Michael Bublé).


Patient Advocate / Admin Lead

Patient Advocate doesn’t even begin to describe Michelle’s integral role in our practice. Though her role is primarily known to be a bridge between the provider and patient to answer questions, you can make a laundry list of all the things she helps our staff and patients with on a daily basis. She wears many hats, which isn’t too far off from the job she had as a former high school teacher (plus being a mom of 4).

To quote it simply, she believes it was true “divine intervention” that the door was opened for her to join our team. She has demonstrated such leadership and compassion to everything she does. To be able to work in a faith-filled environment on a daily basis to minister to others and pray with them has been such a blessing to her. Combine that with being able to work with an incredible team and interact with our beloved patients, it has been an amazing and purposeful experience.

When not being the “office mom”, she loves being a mom to her kids alongside her husband, Humberto. Sports run heavily in the family, so she will be seen running around with them, cheering them on in any sport they participate in.


Store and IV Associate

While relatively new to our team, Brant has fully immersed himself in the medical realm for about 4 years. Before that, he was a middle school science teacher for more than 20 years, but was always fascinated by the medical field, thus prompted the switch in career paths. One of his passions has always been to help people so in some ways, his jump from helping kids to helping patients with their health is not that far off!

Brant handles much of the supplement sales and always makes sure that our patients, especially our IV ones, feel supported and cared for optimally and personably. As he has been working here, he has been learning something new every day, which always excites him. He also enjoys seeing the teamwork it takes to support everyone from patients to staff.

Along with learning new things, he loves traveling and animals, both of which he enjoys with his wife.


Design & Marketing Administrator

Evelyn has been with the Whole Health family for about 2 years now. You wouldn’t believe it when we say that she studied both her undergrad and master’s in Education! After being a teacher for 5 years, the Lord called her to move elsewhere. Unexpectedly taking a gap year, doing temporary jobs in between, she then was introduced to job openings at Whole Health through a mutual connection. Long story short, she has molded into her role of Design and Marketing Administrator. She manages graphical designs, delegates our supplement store business, and markets for all the things we offer and continue to expand to offer at Whole Health. She is discovering new passions, gifts, and skills as well as developing old ones through her job and enjoys helping even in the smallest of details.

Evelyn enjoys serving in her home church, listening to worship music, spending time with the ones she loves, and eating her favorite foods and cuisines. She hopes to travel more in the future as she also loves exploring nature and God’s creation.

Speak to a Patient Specialist

This is the first step to becoming a patient. During the call we will answer any questions you may have, let you know if we're a good fit for you, and can get you on the schedule for your first visit.