Infusion Therapy

Muscle Pump 2.0

A great pre- or post-workout IV filled with essential amino acids, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish the body.


If you are looking to get into shape or working hard to gain muscles, the Muscle Pump 2.0 is a great pre- or post-workout to supply your body with essential amino acids, hydration, and good old-fashioned electrolytes and minerals to replete the body.

Studies show that amino acids facilitate the replacement of damaged muscle fibers with new muscle protein, resulting in greater muscle mass growth as well as more efficient strength gains.

Amino acids also help to reduce inflammation, which helps you to recover more rapidly between training sessions.

Amino acids can maximize your performance not only for strength training, but also for multiple types of athletic endeavors. For instance, taking amino acids prior to high-intensity cardio workouts can reduce the fatigue you experience while exercising. Amino acid supplements can also bring benefits for:

    • Powerlifters
    • CrossFitters
    • Cyclists
    • Runners



Key Elements

Price: $275

We Use Quality, Preservative-Free Ingredients

At Whole Health Center Houston we only use high quality vitamins and minerals that are free from preservatives whenever possible. 

If you want to know more about the ingredients we use and what they do, click below!

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